What We Believe
Our Mission:
To join Jesus in His mission of seeking and saving the lost. (Luke 19:10)
Our Vision:
To follow Jesus’ lead in forming redemptive relationships with people who are far from God. (Luke 7:34 & 35)
Our Values:
The Gospel is Central- The good news of Jesus (that the Kingdom of God is at hand and that he has made a way for us to be part of it,) is at the center of all that we do. Our mission is for people who haven’t believed the gospel to hear it and be saved by it. Because it’s central, every sermon points to it. If Jesus is central then his Kingdom and his saving work need to be the guiding and highest value of our life together.
The Bible is Trustworthy- The scriptures aren’t just what we preach from, they are where we look for the truth about who God is and who we are. The Bible gets the last word. The Bible isn’t God, however, Jesus valued and trusted the scriptures (in key moments throughout his earthly ministry scripture was on his lips) and we take our cues from Him.
There is a Seat at the Table- The New Testament puts a high value on hospitality (it’s a qualification for leadership in the 1st century church) and so then the church should also find hospitality essential in the Christian life. It’s hard to read the gospels and get very far without reading about Jesus at, or on his way to or from a meal. He talked a lot about food and parties. Our understanding of how Jesus seeks and saves the lost is primarily by table fellowship with those exact people, people who the religious leaders of his day didn’t think he should be eating with, in fact. The church should be the most invitational people on earth. So whether it’s a physical meal at a table or a worship service or any other social situation- the church should be a place of a welcome and hospitality. We get to employ that value in both our corporate gatherings (by making them welcoming to even those who don’t yet know Jesus) and our personal lives as well as, we follow Jesus.
Christians Practice the Way of Jesus- Christianity isn’t just a set of beliefs. Jesus is someone to be followed. And so we try to do what he says and follow his example. Part of following his example means watching how he prayed and spent time in the scriptures and how he spent time in solitude and fasted and doing likewise. Christianity is, in fact, believing the right things about God, but it’s not just that. A true Christian life is not only believing the right things about Jesus but spending time with Jesus so that we might then become like him.
Christians Share the Gospel- The good news about Jesus and his life, death and resurrection isn’t just to be believed, but to be shared. Part of following him means telling others about him and what he’s done for us. The great commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel wasn’t just for the original disciples but for all that would follow Jesus. We are still carrying out that great commission 2000 years later.
The Church is Meant to Multiply- The family that is the church isn’t at it’s best when it grows huge and moves to more and more services becoming less and less personal, in our opinion. The church is meant to multiply and it’s better when it does, starting new churches in different regions to reach new groups of people. The Table wants to be that kind of church, one that doesn’t just grow by addition, adding people, services and campuses- but instead multiplication, starting new communities with new leaders. Healthy disciples multiply disciples. Healthy leaders multiply leaders. Healthy churches multiply churches.
Statement of Faith
From our denomination’s statement of faith: “We believe in the one and only true God who is spirit. He is self-existent, infinite, personal, unchangeable, and eternal in his being. He is perfect in holiness, righteousness, love, justice, goodness, wisdom and truth. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is the creator and sustainer of all things both visible and invisible. He is both immanent in and transcendent to the creation. The one triune God exists and reveals himself as three persons, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We acknowledge that all we know about God is by revelation. Now we know only in part, but we look for the day when we will know as we are known.“
God the Father
We believe in a God who is a perfectly good Father. While earthly fathers may fail, there is one ultimately good, ultimately loving father who above all else loves and cares for humanity. He showed his great care for humanity for sending his Son, in an ultimate act of love so that we might then be fully forgiven children of God, who can know the Fathers love and live forever without separation from him.
Jesus the Son
Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. He is begotten of the Father. Through Him all things were created. He was born of the Virgin Mary, and made man. In Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead all who trust in Him can have eternal, abundant, real life. In the incarnation of Jesus we see exactly what God is like and we can know without a doubt that we are completely understood and never alone. Jesus is the only way to the Father.
The Holy Spirit
The third person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, like the Father and the Son is eternal and with the Father and Son he is worshiped and glorified. It is the Holy Spirit that brings people to saving faith in Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit that fills believers when they come to saving faith in Jesus. He is the one within believers that makes them increasingly more and more like Jesus. He empowers them to be witnesses to the life-changing work of Jesus to others and gives them different gifts to use in the church. He instructs, helps, guides, comforts and prays within them.
Humans were created by God in his own image. The first humans lived in a garden and had all they they needed, most importantly they had a perfect relationship with their creator. However, they were tempted and they disobeyed God. Now, all of humanity is born with a sin nature and a fractured relationship with God. We could not make this right by our own efforts, but God did by sending Jesus to die for our sin. Now, if we trust Jesus we can have a restored relationship with God and forgiveness for all of our sins through his sacrifice.
What must one do to have eternal life? Repent and believe. Repentance is a godly sorrow for your sin. It is also a new mindset in how you view your sin. From delighting in it to desiring to no longer be subject to it. Saving faith is a trust in Jesus’ once and for all sacrifice on your behalf. The result is justification- God declaring you free from condemnation and punishment, because Jesus received those things in your place. The justified sinner is made new (regenerate or born again) by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit continues throughout the lifetime of the saved ones to set them on a trajectory of becoming more and more like Jesus both in character and competency (that is, who they are and what they can do) We can trust that because of what God has done through Jesus and what the Holy Spirit is doing in us that we are for sure his and he will not let us go. One day this will culminate in a bodily resurrection and we shall be with Jesus forever.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the perfect and infallible word of God. It is without error in the original documents and it is authoritative in all that it means to teach. We believe the Bible can be trusted, and we use it to teach, rebuke, correct, train and encourage one another.